Construction Liability - BIBA calls for change

The Building Safety Act ought to be the once in a generation chance to provide the

legislative framework that mandates for some of that change. As we have said

before the risk is that rather than transform the environment, the BSA simply

overlays more regulation over what already exists. If that transpires to be the

effective outcome, then the future becomes very difficult indeed.

Paul: Alastair, I suppose with BIBA being a key flag bearer for change, what

can we all do to help?

A large part of what we’ve being doing together over the last three years has been to

try to explain, often to non-specialists, a really complex set of issues. Then, most

significantly, clearly illustrating the consequences of doing nothing about them. Hard

data about what was going on within the sector too was (and still is) crucial. Both we

and organisations like the Construction Leadership Council particularly the working

group on PI, have been feeding that data to Ministers. Articulating that has been

m ore than half the battle and we’re grateful for the support of G&A in making our

case. Going forward, only collective and concerted action will secure change. We

have been pleased to work with many industry bodies and will continue to act as a

bridge between those specialists and our colleagues in Government to make the

case for reform.

Paul : Of course, Alastair, the BIBA Manifesto is not just about problems in PI

insurance. There are perhaps even greater challenges in there relating to the

continuing economic uncertainty?

That’s right. Our Manifesto does highlight and reflect a varied range of concerns that

the wider business community have brought to our attention. The final quarter of

2022 saw us undertake a survey of companies at the larger end of SME businesses

and above to gauge what was keeping them awake at night. Unsurprisingly,

economic factors headed those concerns with inflation and a broadening financial

crisis occupying the number one and two slots respectively. Of no surprise to your

clients will be the fact that supply chain disruption and a workforce shortage came in

at numbers five and seven respectively.

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