Construction Liability - BIBA calls for change
most difficult conditions ever seen. With significant insurance cost rises, the
unprecedented crisis of Covid and the impact of the war in Ukraine, there have been
any number of challenges well beyond the normal difficulties of working in the
sector. That the vast majority of our clients are still here and trading well is testament
to their dedication and hard work. That resilience coupled with the many
opportunities ahead should make the next few years an interesting and rewarding
time to be involved in UK construction.
Paul: Well, thank you Alastair and Craig for your insight. 2023 is shaping up to
be a really crucial year for us all and it’s good to hear that substantive
conversations are ongoing at the highest levels to seek a more sustainable
and proportionate future for those active in the sector.
We will of course continue to assist where we can and keep our clients updated as to
the challenges and opportunities that lie ahead.
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