Construction Liability - BIBA calls for change
Third, the burden of the regulatory environment of business needs to be
reduced. From introducing some element of ‘proportionality’ into the new statutory
‘Protect’ Duty – now known as Martyn’s Law, to cutting the cost of doing business,
there are many areas where Government can intervene to reduce the cost of doing
business in the UK.
Paul: I think you’d find consensus with that opinion around a table of any of
our clients Alastair! What of the future, what does your scan of the horizon tell
us is coming?
I think for us some interesting areas are around the developing class of business
which is cyber cover – just how that is going to develop in responding to new threats
which today don’t exist? There is a huge protection gap at the moment between
exposure and insurance take-up and that is only going to grow. ESG continues to fall
under scrutiny both from investors and employees, particularly the younger
generation, and we all need to be cognisant of the changing landscape in this
regard. Developments in the motor market around automation – while perhaps not at
the forefront of your clients' agendas – will continue to require innovation.
Paul : Craig, any final thoughts on what’s coming down the tracks?
Samuel Johnson said that change, even for the better, comes with inconvenience. I
think the years ahead might see that sentiment become a familiar one as we work
through the unknown thicket of change that the BSA provides, whilst technological
changes continue apace, and industry continues to grapple with necessary
innovations to address climate change.
These challenges aside, I think we have to look at the potential for positives from
each; all of these challenges will present our clients with many opportunities to grow
and innovate, whilst (hopefully) refocusing attention on delivering better quality
Let’s not forget our recent troubles and our clients’ collective responses either. Our
construction clients have, by and large, successfully traded through some of the
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